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How to solve the problem that the product's 5V power supply will short circuit when welding?

Hardware design
8월 05, 2020 by Arie 1553

We have made a batch of samples now, the power supply is for 5V, but now there is a problem that the 5V power supply will burn the circuit behind me if the 5V power is soldered backwards. May I ask if you have any solutions, my friend said that a diode is connected to the 5V input string , It is also said that a diode is connected. There are more complicated things not to mention.

How can I do it? If it works, what model should I add? Eat 200MA current behind.

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Ivey 게시 날짜 August 5, 2020

Just string an ordinary diode at the input end, pay attention to whether the forward voltage drop will affect the voltage you need to use later, 200mA current, choose an If=500mA or so.

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Aly 게시 날짜 August 5, 2020

The voltage drop of the diode is too large, it is recommended to string MOS to prevent reverse connection.

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Adi 게시 날짜 August 5, 2020

Yes, 200mA, Schottky diodes will do.


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