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The triode controls the solenoid valve circuit and the board is hot. How to solve it?

Hardware design
10월 21, 2020 by Marguerite 1404

I used this circuit to control the solenoid valve before, but I didn't pay attention after I took over. In a recent experiment, it was found that the temperature of the tiP122 tube rose sharply after it was turned on. The solenoid valve is 24v and the built-in resistance is 18 ohms. The measured Vce is only 0.9v and Ic is 1.1A. Why is it so hot? The board has come out, do you see any help?

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Wilder 게시 날짜 October 21, 2020

122 plus heat dissipation;

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Jenelle 게시 날짜 October 21, 2020

The solenoid valve uses a mos tube for such a large current. Triode can also be used for small current

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Brigitte 게시 날짜 October 21, 2020

First of all, good heat dissipation must be added to the three-connector, and secondly, the internal resistance of the three-connector is large, and it can work for a short time. It is recommended to change the field tube (internal resistance of milliohm level) for long-term work.

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Guinevere 게시 날짜 October 21, 2020

The transistor has to withstand 1w of dissipation (heating)! ! ! Change to MOS or something else unless good heat dissipation can be ensured.


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