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The World Semiconductor Conference was held in Nanjing, and many semiconductor companies participated in the conference

게시됨 :2022. 8. 27. 오전 8:24:27


"2022 World Semiconductor Conference & Expo 2022" was successfully held at the Nanjing International Expo Conference Center on August 18. This conference invites well-known domestic and foreign experts and representatives from the semiconductor industry, academia, scientific research, investment, service, and the media to collide with ideas and offer suggestions, provide an international cooperation and exchange platform for promoting the healthy and sustainable development of the semiconductor industry, and jointly discuss the development of the global semiconductor industry. trend.

The theme of the conference is "World Chip Future Dream". Luo Qun, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the Nanjing Municipal People's Congress and Deputy Secretary of the Party Group, Chi Yu, Deputy Director of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, Yu Xiekang, Vice Chairman of the China Semiconductor Industry Association, American Information Technology Co., Ltd. Christopher Millward, President of the Industrial Organization (USITO), and Shan Jianhua, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Nanjing Branch of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, delivered speeches respectively. Mao Junfa, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and President of Shenzhen University, Chen Min, Technical Director of TSMC (China) Co., Ltd., Ma Weiqing, Vice President of China Resources Microelectronics Co., Ltd., Hu Wenlong, Vice President of Tongfu Microelectronics Co., Ltd., and Chief Expert of China Mobile Group, Xinsheng Technology Co., Ltd. Xiao Qing, general manager of the company, delivered a keynote speech at the summit forum.


Mao Junfa, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and president of Shenzhen University, delivered a keynote speech on "From Integrated Circuits to Integrated Systems" at the meeting. Academician Mao Junfa reviewed the brief history of the development of integrated circuits. Moore's Law is facing challenges from various aspects such as technical means and economic costs. The boundaries between the front-end chip process design and the back-end packaging of integrated circuits are becoming more and more blurred. He proposed the definition, vision, characteristics, and significance of integrated systems, and predicted that the next 60 years will be the era of integrated systems. Academician Mao also introduced chiplet technology, antenna technology in packaging, multi-functional passive component technology and semiconductor heterogeneous integration technology, and looked forward to the future evolution trend of the integrated circuit industry.

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