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The role of capacitors and diode circuits?

Hardware design
7월 06, 2020 by Ollie 488

The relationship and function of resistance, diode and capacitor in the picture, especially the circuit formed by capacitor and diode, please explain, thank you!


모든 댓글

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Shea 게시 날짜 July 6, 2020

Is there a connection point at the top right of C13?

Please confirm the diode polarity and the correctness of the circuit connection.

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Shay 게시 날짜 July 6, 2020

1. The resistance of a typical voltage doubling circuit acts as a constant voltage to discharge a constant voltage.

2. Diode rectification.

3. Use the capacitor function to increase the output voltage.

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Ellison 게시 날짜 July 6, 2020

The main function of cement resistance is protection.


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