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Altium Design PCB components display green questions.

EDA & PCB design
7월 15, 2020 by Iris 1712

1. Have you encountered any problems like this, the PCB is green after being placed in a package.

2. I increased the pitch of my feet several times. I just drew a pitch that was fully green and still green. It should be a violation of the rules.

3. But I set the clearance to 0 and the package is still green. I don’t know which side has the problem. There are other resistors and capacitors on the side. The pad spacing is smaller, and it is normal after placement. Please help to see the problem.

Today's PCB is made, the single resistor is also green, I don't know which great god can look at this problem, where can I set and modify it? thank!

单电阻 违反规则 ç»¿è‰²å™¨ä»¶

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Lucia 게시 날짜 July 15, 2020

It must be a problem with the rules, just set the rules in the settings.

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Danny 게시 날짜 July 15, 2020

In your case, it should be that the component body is too high, or the spacing of the component body is too small, just change the rules, or cancel these two rules.


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