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For impedance matching, the circuit has been basically determined, and it is found that there are many capacitance and inductance values on the market. Have you ever encountered similar problems?

Hardware design
10월 12, 2020 by Ivan 1771

I recently did impedance matching, and the circuit has been basically determined. I found that there are many capacitors and inductors on the market. Have you ever encountered similar problems? How is it solved?

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Mila 게시 날짜 October 12, 2020

0.5M is a very common signal, the component deviation does not have much impact, 2.4G impedance matching is difficult.

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Natasha 게시 날짜 October 12, 2020

This problem can be solved in series and parallel.

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Karina 게시 날짜 October 12, 2020

If the frequency is relatively high, use distributed parameter microstrip line matching instead of lumped devices, or use distributed and lumped integrated methods to match, if it is not possible, use capacitive sensing components in series and parallel to match.


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