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Proteus simulates the dimming circuit of a triac. Why can't the triac automatically disconnect when the zero crosses?

Hardware design
10월 29, 2020 by Sakura 543

I simulated a triac dimming circuit according to the book, the power supply voltage is 220vrms, the frequency is 50Hz. Why doesn't the triac not automatically turn off at the voltage zero crossing point? I looked at the discharge waveform of the capacitor and it dropped to 0 after half a cycle. Decrease the power supply frequency to 10Hz and it can be turned on every half cycle. Why? Is it because I use general-purpose component simulation or?

I have never used a triac, I hope you will guide!


모든 댓글

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Iwan 게시 날짜 October 29, 2020

There are many reasons for software!

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Eren 게시 날짜 October 29, 2020

Go directly to the board for debugging. Don't simulate.

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Armand 게시 날짜 October 29, 2020

In the simulation, it is obviously wrong to maintain the conduction without turning off after the triac is triggered to conduct for the first time. The reason is that there is a problem with the TRIAC simulation model, do not use it.

Use other suitable simulation models to achieve normal simulation. However, good things are more difficult.


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