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Is it true that as long as the voltage of the input circuit of the triode is greater than 0.7v, the triode will not be cut off?

Hardware design
10월 30, 2020 by Lisa 1361

For example, the turn-on voltage of the base-emitter is 0.7v, is that as long as the voltage of the input circuit of the transistor is greater than 0.7v,

Regardless of the resistance of the input circuit, is it true that the triode will not be cut off? Input loop at this time

The current is very small, and is it not cut off?

모든 댓글

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Davis 게시 날짜 October 30, 2020

The original poster can only be the result in an ideal state.

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Eddie 게시 날짜 October 30, 2020

The standard interpretation of this question can refer to the basics of analog electricity.

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Brooks 게시 날짜 October 30, 2020

You can modify the voltage to see how many volts will be released until the end.


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