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How do I calculate the time used by the button battery?

Hardware design
11월 24, 2020 by Emme 439

Button battery cr2032: capacity 210mAh, working current 0.2mA, continuous current 3mA, pulse current 20mA.

Now there is a system that uses cr2032 to supply power. The working current of the system is about 1.5mA. In addition, there is a pulse current of 7mA every 8s (at this time, the total working current is about 8.5mA=1.5+7), and the duration of the pulse current is about 20ms.

Ask: How long is the working time of a button battery and how to calculate it? Thank you!

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Gibson 게시 날짜 November 24, 2020

On for 20ms, off for 8 seconds, for 7ma, 8.02 seconds

Then convert to hours

1 hour, 3600 seconds, 448 times of driving, total power consumption 3136mA

Then get approximately 0.87mah

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Terence 게시 날짜 November 24, 2020


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Montgomery 게시 날짜 November 24, 2020

210/2.37=88.6 hours approximately.

The actual working condition is estimated to be discounted at 20%, which is estimated to be around 70 hours.


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