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This is an anti-reverse circuit, R1.R3.R14.R15 all NC is not attached, but how is this circuit formed now?

Hardware design
11월 26, 2020 by Robert 396

This is an anti-reverse circuit, R1.R3.R14.R15 are not attached to NC.

For example, I currently connect pin 1 of J1 to the positive pole of the power supply and pin 2.3 to the negative pole of the power supply. The current is output from D4 to the load. But now I don’t understand how this loop is formed. The cathode of pin 2.3 is connected to the cathode of D6 (what I don’t understand now is the relationship between pin 2.3 and the diode of D6, and the direction of current conduction.)


모든 댓글

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Aaron 게시 날짜 November 26, 2020

In fact, this is a bridge rectifier circuit. If pin 1 is connected to the positive pole, and pins 2 and 3 are connected to the negative pole, the current is pin 1 → D4 → load → ground → D6 → 2, 3;

If the connection is reversed, pin 2 and 3 are positive and pin 1 is negative, and the current flows through pin 2, 3 → D3 → load → ground → D5 → 1 pin.

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Lily 게시 날짜 November 26, 2020

This is actually done by using the circuit of a single-phase rectifier bridge. The host can analyze it based on the unidirectional conductivity of the diode.

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Austin 게시 날짜 November 26, 2020

Let me draw a schematic diagram for you, and you will understand.


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