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What is the reason why STM32 downloads HEX files to flash and cannot run but online J-Link debugging?

Hardware design
2월 02, 2021 by Maurice 1815

STM32 downloads the HEX file to the flash and cannot run. . Online J-Link debugging can run. . Don't know what's going on. . .

모든 댓글

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Linda 게시 날짜 February 2, 2021

Is it the selected reset operation? If so, after burning the program, you need to reset and power on again.

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Tomas 게시 날짜 February 2, 2021

Start mode problem, JLink will specify the starting point.

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Shania 게시 날짜 February 2, 2021

Pay attention to the pins of the MCU BOOT.


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